Using Whisk's meal planner
July 29th, 2024 • Published
Whisk’s meal planner allows users to plan out their meals for the week. You can even share your meal plan
with other Whisk users!
Adding a meal
To add a meal, simply click the plus next to the day you'd like to add a meal for. Then select the meal
and the time.
Sharing a meal plan
Sharing your meal plan is super easy! Simply hit the three dots in the top right, then hit "Invite
People." From here, enter the email of the Whisk user you'd like to share your meal plan with.
Joining a meal plan
To join a meal plan you've been invited to, click the 3 dots in the top right on the meal plan, then
click "Join Plan." All of the meal plans you've been invited to will be listed here.
For more details or to download the app, you can visit the App
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